Home » Faith & Haiti » Taking a step back

Taking a step back

Well, it’s no secret- We have left the country and are nestled back in our home in Canada.  The three months in Haiti went much quicker than we thought, but on the other hand, it was nice to have a start and finish date for our trip.  Allowing yourself a time frame gives you the opportunity make decisions objectively, rather than making them based on emotion or “in the moment”

We learned so much while we were in Haiti.  We were shown the beauty and the importance of community and amazing and simple ways that “living in community” is played out on a day to day basis.  We became aware of the importance in knowing the history of the country and understanding the strengths and struggles of the people you intend to work beside.  We learned basic Creole and the effectiveness of using hand gestures and sound effects.  We learned how to listen more, speak less, to be honest when you don’t know something, don’t be afraid to look like a goof, and let your strengths and weaknesses be a building block for your relationships.

The most amazing thing that we were reminded of is how powerful and faithful God is when His people call out to Him.

Although saying goodbye to our new close knit family was very difficult, we are encouraged that this isn’t that last time we will see them.  Through much prayer, working through doubts, discomforts, and objectively analyzing our gifts, strengths, weaknesses, and the needs of the people we hope to serve- We believe that Jubilee is where God wants us at this time of our lives.  So we will be moving back to Haiti at the end of August until God asks us to leave.

When we return our focus and efforts will be similar to the aspirations we had when we went originally with a few added programs.

Assisting the medical clinic and medical training programs, and helping with “after hours” medical related problems.


Continuing to improve and update plumbing in the community and continue with a skilled trades training program.


One of the new and exciting ventures is helping with the (future) prayer garden.  We will be installing and irrigation system, introducing salt and drought resistant plants, amending the soil, and planting shallow root species to prevent soil erosion- with the hopes of restoring natural beauty to the area and providing a quiet place of worship and prayer.

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The decision to return to Haiti is not something that we are taking lightly and we know that the list of unknowns is long and there will be hardships ahead.  But everything else aside, we couldn’t be more excited for this new direction in our lives and we ask that you keep  us in your thoughts and prayers!

Phil & Ang

4 thoughts on “Taking a step back

  1. Welcome to the tribe. May you continue to grow in community with those beautiful
    People that I love.

  2. Well guys sounds to me like God is really drawing you to where he know your two are needed most. It’s really cool to see that you guys are willing and able to use your gifts,talents, strengths, and weaknesses to glorify him. You Guys are always on my mind even now that your back in Canada and will continue to be in my prayers as you begin to prepare for what is next. I hope that all the details of your return to jubilee line up perfectly.

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